VO2max Testing

Get a true measure of your cardiovascular fitness level, find your true heart rate zones, and establish a baseline for your fitness goals.
Moonwalk Fitness Body, Heart, Blood Vessels, Lungs

Why VO2max Testing?

Want to learn exactly when YOUR body burns fat? Want to know where you stand when it comes to one of the greatest predictors of longevity? If so, VO2max testing is for you!
moonwalk fitness woman running

Learn When YOUR Body Melts Fat

Without a VO2max test, you have no way of truly knowing what your heart rate zones are. This means you don't know when your body is burning fat vs burning carbs. If you're trying to lose weight, training for a race, or just trying to maintain, knowing your heart rate zones are crucial to your heath and fitness plan.

Moonwalk Fitness Heart Health

Cardiovascular Fitness

VO2max testing will provide a picture of where you stand with your cardiovascular fitness level. We recommend performing an initial test upon starting program to establish a baseline and retesting every 3-4 months to measure progress. We are all about showing results and this testing is hands down the best way to track your cardiovascular fitness over time.

Moonwalk Fitness Man Running Uphill

If You Don't Use It, You Lose It

If you're not improving your cardiovascular health, you're losing it. Most people lose about 10% VO2max per decade upon reaching the age of 20 or so. With VO2max being one of the biggest predictors of longevity (quality of life as we age), everyone should be monitoring and striving to improve this metric.

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Knowledgable Coaches Walk You Through Your Results

Our testing equipment is the same high quality equipment used at universities and hospitals across the country, and we don't just administer the test. We'll sit down with you afterwards and walk you through the test and explain what it all means, provide guidance for goals, and help you create a plan for achieving those goals.

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Let’s have a conversation to determine if Moonwalk Fitness meets your needs. Book a free consultation today to explore further.

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